Cell information

Cell type:general cells (View Pricing Information)

JCRB No.   JCRB0138 Cell Name   KHM-3S
Profile   small cell carcinoma, HTLV-1gene integration Other Name   
Animal   human Strain   
Genus   Homo Species   sapiens
Sex   M Age   58
Identity   available Tissue for Primary Cancer   lung (cancer)
Case history   small cell lung cancer whose serum contained high levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptors. Metastasis   
Tissue Metastasized    Genetics   No OKT11,OKT4,OKT8,B1,& B4 found. NKH-1, rearranged T cell receptor and HTLV-1 integration observed.
Life Span   infinite Crisis PDL   NT
Morphology   lymphocyte-like Character   HTLV-1 positive small cell lung cancer cells.
Classify   tumor Established by   Matsuzaki,H.
Registered by   Matsuzaki,H. Regulation for Distribution   HTLV-1 positive
Comment    Year   1999
Medium   RPMI1640 medium with 20 % fetal calf serum was used at the begining. The FCS concentration was reduced to 10% when the cells began to grow steadily. Methods for Passages   Simple dilution. Suspension culture.
Cell Number on Passage   1-2 x 10^5 cells/ml Race   
CO2 Conc.   5 % Tissue Sampling   pleural effusion
Tissue Type   

Detection of virus genome fragment by Real-time PCR
Detected DNA Virus tested Detected RNA Virus tested
CMV - parvoB19 - HCV - HTLV-1 +
EBV - HBV - HIV-1 - HTLV-2 -
HHV6 - HTLV-1 + HIV-2 - HAV -
HHV7 - HTLV-2 - -/negative.
nt/not tested.
(positive (+) does not immediately mean the production of infectious viral particles.)
BKV - HIV-1 -
JCV - HIV-2 -
ADV - HPV18 -
Notes The integration of HTLV-1 proviral DNA is observed in KHM-3S, but the HTLV-1 envelope protein is not detected in the surface of KHM-3S (Jpn J Cancer Res. 1992 ay;83(5):450-457, PubMed ID 1319985).

Cellosaurus(ExPASy) Cellosaurus (ExPASy) is developed by Amos Bairoch of the CALIPHO group at the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics as part of the neXtProt project. Cellosaurus is a knowledge database of cell lines with various information summarized. CVCL_2974
Pubmed id:1319985Human T-cell leukemia virus-1-positive cell line established from a patient with small cell lung cancer.
Matsuzaki H,Hata H,Asou N,Yoshida M,Matsuno F,Takeya M,Yamaguchi K,Sanada I,Takatsuki K
Jpn J Cancer Res. 1992 May;83(5):450-7
Pubmed id:2169997Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 associated with small cell lung cancer.
Matsuzaki H,Asou N,Kawaguchi Y,Hata H,Yoshinaga T,Kinuwaki E,Ishii T,Yamaguchi K,Takatsuki K
Cancer. 1990 Oct 15;66(8):1763-8


LOT Information

Cell No.   JCRB0138 Cell Name   
LOT No.   03052003 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS lot; BioWhittaker 0S069F) Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   1.0 x 10^5 cells/ml Methods for Passages   Dilution, passage by 4 days interval.
Doubling Time   D.T. = ca. 2days Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   7.9 x 10^5
Viability at cell freezing (%)   66.5 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   Unknown (11 at bank) PDL   
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   Confirmed as human by NP, G6PD (type B), LD.
Chromosome Mode    Chromosome Information   
Surface Antigen    DNA Profile (STR)   
Adhesion   No Exoteric Gene   
Medium for Freezing   10% DMSO, 20% FBS-culture medium CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)    Additional information