JCRB0099 [HH]

Date accepted:11/05/85
Scientific Name:Bos taurus
Tissue:carotid artery
Medium:Eagle's minimal essential medium with 10% fetal calf serum
Passage method:Cells are treated with 0.02 % EDTA and 0.05 % trypsin.
Cell no. at passage:8x10^5 cells/100mm dish
Case history:normal
Genetics:carotid artery endothelium, primary
Life span:finite
Crisis PDL:60-70 pas.
Characteristics:carotid artery endothelium, primary
Established byHagiwara,H. & Inada,Y.
Deposited byInada,Y.
Cell bank maintaining these cells.NIHS(JCRB)
Comments:Do not culture over passage 25.

[ Record(s) of stored ampules ]

[ Lot No.111685: token/seed(JCRB0099) ]
Date cell culture started:11/16/85
Concentration of cells in an ampule: 10^6 cell/ml
Culture medium: MEM + FCS 10%
Passage method: 0.02% EDTA and 0.05% trypsin.
Cell No. at passage: 8x10^5 cells/10cm dish
Antibiotics used :free
Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi were negative.
Tested Isoenzymes, AST,G6PD,LD,MD,MPI,NP,PEPB (bovine confirmed) showed original animals derived.
Anchorage dependency: Yes
Memo: Caution! ampule no marked
(Date downloaded: 1999-06-02)

[ Lot No.022586: distribution(JCRB0099) ]
Date cell culture started:02/25/86
Concentration of cells in an ampule: 1.7x10^6 cell/ml
Culture medium: MEM + FCS 10%
Passage method: 0.02% EDTA and 0.05% trypsin.
Cell No. at passage: 8x10^5 cells/10cm dish
Antibiotics used :free
Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi were negative.
Tested Isoenzymes, AST,G6PD,LD,MD,MPI,NP,PEPB showed original animals derived.
Anchorage dependency: Yes
Tumorgenesity: Not tested
(Date downloaded: 1999-06-02)

[ Lot No.070488: distribution(JCRB0099) ]
Date cell culture started:07/04/88
Concentration of cells in an ampule: 2.0x10^6 cell/ml
Culture medium: MEM + FCS 10%
Passage method: 0.02% EDTA and 0.05% trypsin.
Cell No. at passage: 8x10^5 cells/10cm dish
Antibiotics used :free
Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi were negative.
(Date downloaded: 1999-06-02)

[ Lot No.022693: distribution(JCRB0099) ]
Date cell culture started:01/13/93
Concentration of cells in an ampule: 2.1x10^6 cell/ml
Culture medium: Eagle's minimal essential medium with Heparin-Na(100 ug/ml) and 10% FBS (endothelial growth suppl.)
Passage method: Treat twice with 0.25% trypsin-0.02% EDTA. 7% CO2 is recommended. Collagen or gelatin coated dish.
Cell No. at passage: 8x10^5 cells/10cm dish
Antibiotics used :free
Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi were negative.
Anchorage dependency: Yes
(Date downloaded: 1999-06-02)

[ Lot No.121495: distribution(JCRB0099) ]
Date cell culture started:11/28/95
Concentration of cells in an ampule: 2.9x10^6 cell/ml
Culture medium: Eagle's minimal essential medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (Cell Culture Lab.00939-1)
Freezing medium: Culture medium with 5% DMSO.
Passage method: Wash cells with PBS(-) and treated with 0.25% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA for 5 min. at 37 C.
Cell No. at passage: 1.3 x 10^5 cells/ml
Antibiotics used :free
Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi were negative.
Tested Isoenzymes, LDH, G6PD, NP bovine confirmed showed original animals derived.
Anchorage dependency: Yes
Memo: from lot.111685 by Nishimura,K.
(Date downloaded: 1999-06-02)

Exported from cellroot.dbf and cellspec.dbf.
