JCRB0191 [OCUG-1]

Profile:Human gall bladder carcinoma cell line producing TA-4 antigen.

Date accepted:07/10/2002
Previous cell Number:NEW
Sex and Age:M :43-year-old
Scientific Name: Homo sapiens
Case history: gallbladder carcinoma
Classification: tumor
Tissue prepared:malignant peritoneal effusion
Origin of tumor:malignant peritoneal effusion
Metastatic tissue: peritoneal effusion
History of the cell:Hirakawa,H. -> HSRRB -> JCRB
Medium: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium 0.5mM pyruvate, 2mM glutamine and 10% fetal calf serum.
CO2 Concentration: 5 %
Genetics: Chromosome number distribute in a broad range from 52 to 139.
Life span: infinite
Morphology: clusters with monolayer cells
Characteristics: Only TA-4 antigen detected in the spent medium while high levele SLX, CA19-9, SPan-1 and TA-4 were observed in the serum of patient.
Cell ID data:available
DNA Profile (STR): D5S818:10,12
Virus DNA detected: CMV(-), EBV(-), HHV6(-), HHV7(-), BKV(-), JCV(-), ADV(-), parvoB19(-), HBV(-), HTLV1(-), HTLV2(-), HIV1(-), HIV2(-), HPV18(-) [-/negative, +/positive, nt/not tested] -- Description
Established by Yamada,N. et.al.
Deposited byHirakawa,H.
Cell bank:HSRB(JCRB)
Comments:Cells are tumorigenic in nude mice. Poorly defferentiated adenocarcinoma. The cell line was identified to be a unique cell line by STR-PCR experiment (2002.June).

(* The format of the table was revised on Apr.25.2003.)

[ Record(s) of stored ampules ]

[ Lot No.: 01222002: seed (JCRB0191) ]

    Cell Identification: available
    RFLP data: Uniqueness confirmed from 324 cells. Nearest EV(OCUG-1/SKM-1)=0.727
[ Culture condition of this lot.]

[ Additional Data ]

(Date downloaded: 2008-06-16)

[ Lot No.: deposit: deposit (JCRB0191) ]

[ Culture condition of this lot.]

[ Additional Data ]

(Date downloaded: 2008-06-16)

Exported from cellroot.dbf and cellspec.dbf.


1. Yamada,N., Chung,Y.-S., Ohtani,H., Ikeda,T., Onoda,N., Sawada,T., Nishiguchi,Y., Hasuma,T., and Sowa,M. Establishment and characterization of a new human gallbladder carcinoma cell line (OCUG-1) producing TA-4, Int. J. Oncol., 10: 1251-1255, 1997.