JCRB1013 [KA-S1]

Date accepted:06/17/2003
Previous cell Number:new
Scientific Name: Homo sapiens
Classification: fake
CO2 Concentration: 5 %
Cell ID data:available
Cell bank:HSRB(JCRB)
Comments:STR-PCR results and chromosome analysis indicated this cell line is not a human cell but mouse cell.

(* The format of the table was revised on Apr.25.2003.)

[ Record(s) of stored ampules ]

[ Lot No.: 06192002: seed (JCRB1013) ]

[ Culture condition of this lot.]

[ Additional Data ]

(Date downloaded: 2003-11-27)

[ Lot No.: 07282003: reference (JCRB1013) ]

    Cells are propagated from the stock, 06192002
    Passage Number, P7*
    Cell culture was started without cloning from the previous stock.
    Date cell culture started:07/08/2003
    Concentration of cells in an ampule: 8.9 x 10^5 cell/ml
    Viability under microscope (%): 88.1
    Antibiotics used :free
    Tests for mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi were negative.
    Anchorage dependency: Yes
    Cell Identification: available
    RFLP data: No peaks were apperared in PCR results that indicates the cells are not human.
[ Culture condition of this lot.]

[ Additional Data ]

(Date downloaded: 2003-11-27)

Exported from cellroot.dbf and cellspec.dbf.