JCRB1032 [OZ]

Profile:Human bile duct cell line established from ascites of the tumor patient who had differentiated adenocarcinoma.

Date accepted:01/21/2003
Previous cell Number:NIHS0282
Sex and Age:M :71-year-old
Scientific Name: Homo sapiens
Case history: Differentiated adenocarcinoma papilla and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. CEA 8.0 ng/ml.
Classification: tumor
Tissue prepared:ascites
Origin of tumor:bile dulct
Metastatic tissue: ascites
Date cell culture started:--/--/1981
History of the cell:Nagamori -> Okayama University -> JCRB
Medium: Williams'E medium with 10% fetal calf serum.
Passage method: Cells are harvested after treatment with 0.25% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA.
CO2 Concentration: 5 %
Genetics: No. of chromosome, 51. Td=48 hrs.
Life span: infinite
Morphology: epithelial-like
Characteristics: Cells were established from ascites of the patient whose bile duct was emphraxed by mucinous materials produced by adenocarcinoma cells. Cells produce CEA, BMG. High levels of P1-P, r-GTP, LDH were observed in cells. PAS (+). Transplantalbe to nude mice.
Cell ID data:available
DNA Profile: D5S818:13,14
Virus DNA detected: GAPDH(+), CMV(-), EBV(-), HHV6(-), HHV7(-), BKV(-), JCV(-), ADV(-), HBV(-), parvoB19(-), HTLV1(-), HTLV2(-), HIV1(-), HIV2(-), HPV18(-)[-/negative, +/positive, nt/not tested,GAPDH is positive control] -- Description
Established by Honma,S. & Nagamori,S.
Deposited byNagamori,S.
Special notice:Require negotiation and agreement from Dr.Nagamori before shipping.
Cell bank:NIHS(JCRB)
Comments:Cell Bank will handle to get the approval but the depositor may contact to the requested person directly. (r-GPT = gamma GPT)

(* The format of the table was revised on Apr.25.2003.)

[ Record(s) of stored ampules ]

[ Lot No.: 02212003: distribution (JCRB1032) ]

[ Culture condition of this lot.]

[ Additional Data ]

(Date downloaded: 2003-08-12)

[ Lot No.: 02202003: seed (JCRB1032) ]

[ Culture condition of this lot.]

[ Additional Data ]

(Date downloaded: 2003-08-12)

Exported from cellroot.dbf and cellspec.dbf.

Reference List

1.Homma,S., Nagamori,S., Fujise,K., Yamazaki,K., Hasumura,S., Sujino,H., Matsuura,T., Shimizu,K., Kameda,H., and Takaki,K. Human bile duct carcinoma cell line producing abundant mucin in vitro, Gastroenterol Jpn., 22: 474-479, 1987.