Cell information

Cell type:general cells (View Pricing Information)

JCRB No.   JCRB1043 Cell Name   OVISE
Profile   Human cell line derived from ovarian tumor. Other Name   
Animal   human Strain   
Genus   Homo Species   sapiens
Sex   F Age   40
Identity   available Tissue for Primary Cancer   ovary
Case history   ovarian carcinoma, stage IIb, CAP(3) treatment done previously. Metastasis   Yes
Tissue Metastasized   innominate bone Genetics   ER(-), PR(-) / tumour markers, CA19-9, CA125, TPA.
Life Span   infinite Crisis PDL   
Morphology   epithelial-like Character   Cells are transpantable on mouse hypodermic but not abdominal.
Classify   tumour Established by   Nakazawa,T.
Registered by   Gorai,I. Regulation for Distribution   
Comment    Year   2002
Medium   RPMI1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum. Methods for Passages   Cells are harvested after treatment with 0.05% trypsin. Change medium every 3-4 days.
Cell Number on Passage   5 x 10^4 cells/ml Race   Japanese
CO2 Conc.   5 % Tissue Sampling   metastatic forcus of the innominate
Tissue Type   clear cell adeno carcinoma

Detection of virus genome fragment by Real-time PCR
Detected DNA Virus tested Detected RNA Virus tested
CMV - parvoB19 - HCV - HTLV-1 -
EBV - HBV - HIV-1 - HTLV-2 -
HHV6 - HTLV-1 - HIV-2 - HAV -
HHV7 - HTLV-2 - -/negative.
nt/not tested.
(positive (+) does not immediately mean the production of infectious viral particles.)
BKV - HIV-1 -
JCV - HIV-2 -
ADV - HPV18 -

Cellosaurus(ExPASy) Cellosaurus (ExPASy) is developed by Amos Bairoch of the CALIPHO group at the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics as part of the neXtProt project. Cellosaurus is a knowledge database of cell lines with various information summarized. CVCL_3116
Pubmed id:11121861Cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil act synergistically in ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma cells.
Ohta I,Gorai I,Miyamoto Y,Yang J,Zheng JH,Kawata N,Hirahara F,Shirotake S
Cancer Lett. 2001 Jan 10;162(1):39-48
Pubmed id:9328139Complexity of expression of the intermediate filaments of six new human ovarian carcinoma cell lines: new expression of cytokeratin 20.
Yanagibashi T,Gorai I,Nakazawa T,Miyagi E,Hirahara F,Kitamura H,Minaguchi H
Br J Cancer. 1997;76(7):829-35
Pubmed id:7535723Establishment and characterization of two human ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma lines from metastatic lesions with different properties.
Gorai I,Nakazawa T,Miyagi E,Hirahara F,Nagashima Y,Minaguchi H
Gynecol Oncol. 1995 Apr;57(1):33-46
Pubmed id:7882618Marked induction of gelatinases, especially type B, in host fibroblasts by human ovarian cancer cells in athymic mice.
Miyagi E,Yasumitsu H,Hirahara F,Nagashima Y,Minaguchi H,Miyazaki K,Umeda M
Clin Exp Metastasis. 1995 Mar;13(2):89-96
Pubmed id:noneEstablishment and characterization of human ovarian clear cell carcinoma cell line, OVISE.
Nakazawa T., Gorai I., Doi C., Hirahara F., Minaguchi H.
J Jpn Soc Clin Cytol. 1992 Nov; 31(6):966-72

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LOT Information

Cell No.   JCRB1043 Cell Name   OVISE
LOT No.   06132011 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI 1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (GIBCO Cat. # 10099). Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   0.7 - 2 x 10^5 cells/mL Methods for Passages   Cells were harvested after treatment with 0.25% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA.
Doubling Time   approx. 1.5 days Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   2.3 x 10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   92.3 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   P37 PDL   
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   Confirmed as human by NP, G6PD (type B), MD.
Chromosome Mode    Chromosome Information   
Surface Antigen    DNA Profile (STR)   D5S818:10
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   
Medium for Freezing   10% DMSO, 20% FBS - RPMI1640 CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)    Additional information   
Cell No.   JCRB1043 Cell Name   
LOT No.   04092007 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI 1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS lot; GIBCO 484375) Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   8-16 x 10^4 cells/ml Methods for Passages   0.05% trypsin
Doubling Time   approx. 1.5 days Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   2.4 x 10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   92.7 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   P37 PDL   
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   Confirmed as human by G6PD (typeB), NP, LD, MD.
Chromosome Mode    Chromosome Information   
Surface Antigen    DNA Profile (STR)   
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   
Medium for Freezing   10% DMSO, 20% FBS - RPMI1640 CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)    Additional information   
Cell No.   JCRB1043 Cell Name   OVISE
LOT No.   05302016 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; GIBCO Cat. # 10091). Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   1.3 - 1.8 x 10^5 cells/mL Methods for Passages   Cells were harvested after treatment with 0.05% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA.
Doubling Time   approx. 49 hrs Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   3.1 x 10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   96.5 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   P37 PDL   
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   
Chromosome Mode    Chromosome Information   
Surface Antigen    DNA Profile (STR)   
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   
Medium for Freezing   10% DMSO, 20% FBS - RPMI1640 CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)   96.5 Additional information   
Cell No.   JCRB1043 Cell Name   OVISE
LOT No.   03022020 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI 1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Sigma Cat. # 172012) Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   0.5 - 1.4 x 10^5 cells/mL Methods for Passages   Cells were harvested after treatment with 0.25% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA.
Doubling Time   approx. 30 hrs. Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   1.6 x 10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   99 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   P37 PDL   
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   
Chromosome Mode    Chromosome Information   
Surface Antigen    DNA Profile (STR)   
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   
Medium for Freezing   10% DMSO, 20% FBS - RPMI1640 CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)   92 Additional information   
Cell No.   JCRB1043 Cell Name   OVISE
LOT No.   07042022 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI 1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; GIBCO Cat. # 10437) Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   7-8 x 10^4 cells/mL Methods for Passages   Cells were harvested after treatment with 0.05% trypsin solution.
Doubling Time   approx. 40 hrs. Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   2.8 x 10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   90 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   P36 PDL   
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   
Chromosome Mode    Chromosome Information   
Surface Antigen    DNA Profile (STR)   D5S818:10
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   
Medium for Freezing   10% DMSO, 20% FBS - RPMI1640 CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)   92 Additional information   
Cell No.   JCRB1043 Cell Name   OVISE
LOT No.   10212024 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI1640(GIBCO Cat #11875-093) with 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum (Nichirei Cat. # 174112, Lot 20M00K) Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   1.3-1.8x10^4 cells/sq.cm Methods for Passages   Cells were harvested after treatment with 0.05% trypsin in PBS.
Doubling Time   NT Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   2.0x10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   99 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   p36 PDL   NT
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   NT
Chromosome Mode   NT Chromosome Information   NT
Surface Antigen   NT DNA Profile (STR)   D5S818:10
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   NT
Medium for Freezing   BAMBANKER (LYMPHOTEC Inc., CS-02-001, NIPPON Genetics Co., LTD) CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)   94 Additional information   