JCRB0153.3 tsJT60


細胞種類:一般細胞 (細胞分譲手数料はこちら)

細胞番号(JCRB)   JCRB0153.3 細胞名   tsJT60
生物種(日本語)   ラット 組織名(日本語)   胎仔
コメント(日本語)   3Y1由来, 温度感受性変異株, G0期で細胞周期が停止, (Fischer rat) プロフィール   Rat 3Y1 derived ts mutant cell line with cell cycle arrest at G0 phase.
別名   tsJT60(3Y1) 動物名   rat
系統名   Fischer 344 学名・属名   Rattus
種名   norvegicus 性別   F
年齢・月齢   fetus 細胞識別情報   
(癌)原発組織名   embryo 病歴情報   normal
転移の有無(Y/N)    (癌)転移組織名   
遺伝的性質   A ts mutant for cell cycle progression from G0 to S phase. 細胞寿命   infinite
クライシスPDL    形態   epithelial-like
一般性状   3Y1 derived ts mutant cell line with MNNG treatment. Cells grow at 34 C and are arrested at G0 at 40 C. Cells continue proliferation at both temperatures in cell cycle. 細胞分類   mutant
細胞樹立者名   Ninomiya-Tsuji,J. and Ide,T. 細胞寄託者   Kyoizumi,S.
分譲時制限   free コメント   
入手年   2000 培養培地   Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with 0.1% glucose and 10% fetal calf serum.
継代方法   Cells harvested after treatment with 0.125% trypsin and 0.01% EDTA. Subculture once a week at split ratio=1/8 at 34 C. 継代時細胞数   5-8 x 10^5 cells/60 mm dish
人種    炭酸ガス濃度   5 %
採取組織名   embryo 組織型   

ウイルスDNA・RNA検出検査 (Detection of virus genome fragment by Real-time PCR)
not tested ウイルスRNA
not tested

Cellosaurus(ExPASy) Cellosaurus (ExPASy)はneXtProtプロジェクトの一環として、SIB - Swiss Institute of BioinformaticsのCALIPHOグループのAmos Bairoch博士によって開発されました。Cellosaurusは細胞株に関する様々な情報を集約させたデータベースになっています。JCRB細胞バンクに登録されている細胞株については、右のリンクから情報を得ることができます。 CVCL_L710
Pubmed id:7698232Induction of gadd153 gene in G0-specific ts mutant cells at nonpermissive temperature.
Kashima N,Ueohzono T,Fornace AJ Jr,Ide T
Exp Cell Res. 1995 Apr;217(2):324-8
Pubmed id:2150790Nonlethal G0-ts mutant tsJT60 becomes lethal at the nonpermissive temperature after transformation: a hint for new cancer chemotherapeutics.
Tai YY,Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Furuoku K,Ogawa N,Ishibashi S,Shiroki K,Segawa K,Tsuchida N,Shibuya M,Ide T
Cell Struct Funct. 1990 Dec;15(6):385-91
Pubmed id:3169150A cell cycle G0-ts mutant, tsJT60, becomes lethal at the nonpermissive temperature after transformation with adenovirus 12 E1B 19K mutant.
Tai YY,Goto Y,Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Kameoka Y,Ishibashi S,Shiroki K,Ide T
Exp Cell Res. 1988 Nov;179(1):50-7
Pubmed id:2822238Entrance of SV40-transformed cells into G0 phase as revealed by a study using the G0-specific ts mutant tsJT60.
Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Ishibashi S,Ide T
Cancer Res. 1987 Nov 15;47(22):6028-32
Pubmed id:3499990Bypass of the ts block of tsJT60, a G0-specific ts mutant from rat fibroblasts, by fetal bovine serum and epidermal growth factor.
Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Nakahara Y,Ito C,Akiyama T,Ishibashi S,Ide T
Cell Struct Funct. 1987 Oct;12(5):421-32
Pubmed id:3040451Induction of cellular DNA synthesis in G0-specific ts mutant, tsJT60, following infection with SV40 and adenoviruses.
Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Goto Y,Ishibashi S,Shiroki K,Ide T
Exp Cell Res. 1987 Aug;171(2):509-12
Pubmed id:3497814Epidermal growth factor has a unique effect in combination with fetal bovine serum to bypass the ts-block of G0-specific ts mutant tsJT60.
Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Nakahara Y,Ito C,Akiyama T,Ishibashi S,Ide T
Exp Cell Res. 1987 Jul;171(1):86-93
Pubmed id:3801408Expression of growth-regulated genes in tsJT60 cells, a temperature-sensitive mutant of the cell cycle.
Ide T,Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Ferrari S,Philiponis V,Baserga R
Biochemistry. 1986 Nov 4;25(22):7041-6
Pubmed id:2423350Defect in prereplicative phase of G0-specific ts mutant, tsJT60.
Ninomiya-Tsuji J,Goto Y,Ishibashi S,Ide T
Exp Cell Res. 1986 Jul;165(1):191-8
Pubmed id:6692850Isolation of a G0-specific ts mutant from a Fischer rat cell line, 3Y1.
Ide T,Ninomiya J,Ishibashi S
Exp Cell Res. 1984 Jan;150(1):60-7


LOT Information

細胞番号   JCRB0153.3 細胞名   tsJT60
培養ロット番号   02152001 培養種別   distribution
培地   Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with 10% fetal calf serum (Mitsubishi PFCS PVF001). 培養温度   37 C
継代時細胞数(濃度)   7.5 x 10^3 cells/sq.cm. 継代方法   Cells are harvested after treatment with 0.125% trypsin and 0.01% EDTA.
増殖速度   NT 凍結時生細胞濃度   1.7 x 10^6
凍結時生細胞率   90.6 使用抗生物質   free
継代数   P10* PDL数(プライマリ)   NT
マイコプラズマ検出   - 細菌汚染検出   -
真菌汚染検出   - アイソザイム検査・動物名   G6PD, NP, LDH examined. (rat).
染色体モード   NT 染色体情報   NT
表面抗原   NT DNA Profile (STR)   
接着性   Yes 導入外部遺伝子   NT
凍結培地   Culture medium with 5% DMSO. 炭酸ガス濃度   5 %
解凍後生細胞率    追加情報   