細胞番号(JCRB) |
JCRB0144.2D |
細胞名 |
LYM-1.P3D |
生物種(日本語) |
ラット |
組織名(日本語) |
リンパ節 |
コメント(日本語) |
プロフィール |
Serum free FAR-2.F60 rat cell culture from lymph node near colon cancer. |
別名 |
動物名 |
rat |
系統名 |
JAR-2 |
学名・属名 |
Rattus |
学名・種小名 |
norvegicus |
性別 |
年齢・月齢 |
細胞識別情報 |
(癌)原発組織名 |
病歴情報 |
tissue obtained from lymph node near colon cancer of the JAR-2 rat given MNU(0.4mg/ml). The MNU was applied to a bowel directly of two-week-old rat and tumors were found three mo. later. The lymph node was cultured by roller tubes with DM170 and 2% FBS. |
転移の有無(Y/N) |
(癌)転移組織名 |
遺伝的性質 |
Subclone of the LYM-1.P3. Morphologys and karyotypes were different from the LYM-1.P3B. Karyotype is lower diploid. |
細胞寿命 |
infinite |
クライシスPDL |
形態 |
fibroblast-like |
一般性状 |
Culture fruid of the LYM-1 strongly inhibited a growth of AH-7974 and other several cell lines. The inhibition was strongly suppressed by heating. |
細胞分類 |
serum free |
細胞樹立者名 |
Kurayama,H. and Takaoka,T. |
細胞寄託者 |
Takaoka,T. |
分譲時制限 |
free |
コメント |
from LYM-1 |
入手年 |
2015 |
培養培地 |
DM201 medium with serum free condition. |
継代方法 |
Cells harvested by gentle scraping. |
継代時細胞数 |
1.3 x 10^4 cells/sq.cm. |
人種 |
炭酸ガス濃度 |
採取組織名 |
lymph node near colon cancer |
組織型 |