How to order (Korea)

This is the guidance for orders from Korea Republic only.

Wonil Commercial Corp. as Korean provider (韓国公式代理店Wonil Commercial Corp.)

Since April 2023, Wonil Commercial Corp. starts business as the exclusive provider of JCRB’s cell lines for customers in South Korea.

Please order JCRB cell lines on the JCRB online website.
Wonil Commercial Corp. handles the importation of your cell order and ships to customers.
If you have questions regarding pricing, payment and delivery schedule, please check with Wonil Commercial Corp. prior to ordering.

2023年4月より、Wonil Commercial Corp.はJCRB細胞バンクの公式韓国代理店として韓国国内への細胞株の提供を開始します。
Wonil Commercial Corp.は韓国内からの分譲依頼を一括で輸入し、皆様へ発送いたします。
価格やお支払い方法、納期等、ご不明な点はWonil Commercial Corp.へお問い合わせください。

Sales and Technical Contact Details (お問い合わせ・分譲申し込み先)

Please note that while you are placing your order request online through JCRB, Wonil will be handling all aspects of your order.
Wonil Commercial Corp.
133-1, Jinmok-ri, Namsa-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
TEL: +82-31-323-177
FAX: +82-31-323-600

Cell Line Pricing Information (価格表)

All cell pricing is inclusive of shipping & handling fees to your laboratory. There will be no additional fees added to your order at the time of processing.

Cell type End user's affiliation
Non-Profit Organization Profit Organization
General cells
Luciferase-expressing cancer cells
Mouse homozygous mutant ES cells
Immortalized mesenchymal stem cell
Genetically-modified cells

Some Cell Type like [virus production cells], [primary mesenchymal stem cells], [human mutant cell repository from Kyoto University] and [human iPS cells] are not available to overseas researchers.

JCRB Order Cancellation Policy (キャンセルポリシー)

All order cancellation requests must be made PRIOR to submit signed "Form A". Once a signed "Form A" has been submitted, that order is no longer eligible for cancellation or refund. If for any reason, the purchaser wishes to cancel a pending order, they must adhere to this cancellation policy.
いかなる理由があろうとも、JCRBからWonil社へのForm A提出後はご注文のキャンセル・返金はできません。
もし何らかの理由でオーダーを保留にする必要がある場合、確定後にForm Aを提出してください。