JCRB1417 KYSE960

Cell information

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JCRB No.   JCRB1417 Cell Name   KYSE960
Profile   Human moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma cell line established from esophageal cancer. Other Name   
Animal   human Strain   
Genus   Homo Species   sapiens
Sex   M Age   58
Identity   available Tissue for Primary Cancer   esophagus
Case history   moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, stage 3 Metastasis   
Tissue Metastasized    Genetics   
Life Span   infinite Crisis PDL   
Morphology   epithelial-like Character   T3M1N0 stage 3
Classify   tumor Established by   Shimada, Y.
Registered by   Shimada, Y. Regulation for Distribution   
Comment    Year   2011
Medium   Ham's F12 medium + RPMI1640 medium (1 to 1 mix) with 2% fetal calf serum. Methods for Passages   Cells harvested after treatment with trypsin and EDTA.
Cell Number on Passage   split ratio = 1/5 Race   
CO2 Conc.   5% Tissue Sampling   esophagus
Tissue Type   

Detection of virus genome fragment by Real-time PCR
Detected DNA Virus tested Detected RNA Virus tested
CMV - parvoB19 - HCV - HTLV-1 -
EBV - HBV - HIV-1 - HTLV-2 -
HHV6 - HTLV-1 - HIV-2 - HAV -
HHV7 - HTLV-2 - -/negative.
nt/not tested.
(positive (+) does not immediately mean the production of infectious viral particles.)
BKV - HIV-1 -
JCV - HIV-2 -
ADV - HPV18 -

Cellosaurus(ExPASy) Cellosaurus (ExPASy) is developed by Amos Bairoch of the CALIPHO group at the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics as part of the neXtProt project. Cellosaurus is a knowledge database of cell lines with various information summarized. CVCL_8512
Pubmed id:17935131Gankyrin oncoprotein overexpression as a critical factor for tumor growth in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its clinical significance.
Ortiz CM,Ito T,Tanaka E,Tsunoda S,Nagayama S,Sakai Y,Higashitsuji H,Fujita J,Shimada Y
Int J Cancer. 2008 Jan 15;122(2):325-32
Pubmed id:16951226The biological role of the low-affinity p75 neurotrophin receptor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Okumura T,Tsunoda S,Mori Y,Ito T,Kikuchi K,Wang TC,Yasumoto S,Shimada Y
Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Sep 1;12(17):5096-103
Pubmed id:16003725Cisplatin-dependent upregulation of death receptors 4 and 5 augments induction of apoptosis by TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand against esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Kondo K,Yamasaki S,Sugie T,Teratani N,Kan T,Imamura M,Shimada Y
Int J Cancer. 2006 Jan 1;118(1):230-42
Pubmed id:17671398ABCG2 expression is an independent unfavorable prognostic factor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Tsunoda S,Okumura T,Ito T,Kondo K,Ortiz C,Tanaka E,Watanabe G,Itami A,Sakai Y,Shimada Y
Oncology. 2006;71(3-4):251-8
Pubmed id:17179732Gli-1 expression is associated with lymph node metastasis and tumor progression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Mori Y,Okumura T,Tsunoda S,Sakai Y,Shimada Y
Oncology. 2006;70(5):378-89
Pubmed id:15814639Prognostic significance of fascin overexpression in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Hashimoto Y,Ito T,Inoue H,Okumura T,Tanaka E,Tsunoda S,Higashiyama M,Watanabe G,Imamura M,Shimada Y
Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Apr 1;11(7):2597-605
Pubmed id:14522385Growth inhibition through activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in human oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Hashimoto Y,Shimada Y,Itami A,Ito T,Kawamura J,Kawabe A,Kaganoi J,Maeda M,Watanabe G,Imamura M
Eur J Cancer. 2003 Oct;39(15):2239-46
Pubmed id:14522885Identification of ZASC1 encoding a Krüppel-like zinc finger protein as a novel target for 3q26 amplification in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas.
Imoto I,Yuki Y,Sonoda I,Ito T,Shimada Y,Imamura M,Inazawa J
Cancer Res. 2003 Sep 15;63(18):5691-6
Pubmed id:12538476Cell culture in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and the association with molecular markers.
Shimada Y,Maeda M,Watanabe G,Yamasaki S,Komoto I,Kaganoi J,Kan T,Hashimoto Y,Imoto I,Inazawa J,Imamura M
Clin Cancer Res. 2003 Jan;9(1):243-9
Pubmed id:10591495Ovine pestiviruses: their taxonomic status revealed by palindromic nucleotide substitutions.
Giangaspero M,Harasawa R
Vet Microbiol. 1999 Oct;70(1-2):33-9
Pubmed id:9033652Multiple types of aberrations in the p16 (INK4a) and the p15(INK4b) genes in 30 esophageal squamous-cell-carcinoma cell lines.
Tanaka H,Shimada Y,Imamura M,Shibagaki I,Ishizaki K
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LOT Information

Cell No.   JCRB1417 Cell Name   KYSE960
LOT No.   07202011 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   RPMI1640(GIBCO) and Ham's F12 medium(SiGMA)(1/1) with 5% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum(SIGMA027K03911) Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   2.1-4.9x10^4 cells/sq.cm Methods for Passages   Cells were harvested after treatment with 0.25%trypsin(GIBCO) and 0.02% EDTA(Split ratio=1/5).
Doubling Time   NT Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   1.61x10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   99.4 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   p3* PDL   NT
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   NT
Chromosome Mode   NT Chromosome Information   NT
Surface Antigen   NT DNA Profile (STR)   D5S818:10,13
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   NT
Medium for Freezing   Cell Banker BLC-1(Nihon Zenyaku Industries) CO2 Conc.   5 %
Viability immediately after thawing (%)    Additional information   
Cell No.   JCRB1417 Cell Name   KYSE960
LOT No.   10072016 Lot Specification   distribution
Medium   Ham's F12 medium + RPMI1640 medium (1 to 1 mix) with 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Sigma Cat. # 172012). Temperature   37 C
Cell Density at Seeding   0.4 - 2.0 x 10^5 cells/mL Methods for Passages   Cells were harvested after treatment with 0.25% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA.
Doubling Time   approx. 30 hrs. Cell Number in Vial (cells/1ml)   4.1 x 10^6
Viability at cell freezing (%)   65.7 Antibiotics Used   free
Passage Number   Unknown (5 at bank) PDL   
Sterility: MYCOPLASMA   - Sterility: BACTERIA   -
Sterility: FUNGI   - Isozyme Analysis   
Chromosome Mode    Chromosome Information   
Surface Antigen    DNA Profile (STR)   
Adhesion   Yes Exoteric Gene   
Medium for Freezing   10% DMSO, 20% FBS - culture medium CO2 Conc.   5%
Viability immediately after thawing (%)   65.7 Additional information